Jesus WOD (The Way of the Cross)
14 Rounds for time
95lbs Barbell
10 Deadlifts
10 Squat cleans
10 Push Press
50 ft of Walking Lunges with barbell on back. Walk back to start
point. At no point does the barbell touch the ground until after rounds 3, 7
and 9.
After Round Three Seven and Nine, 7 Turkish Get Ups 1.5 Pood (53-55#)
(seven is the number of completion)
The WOD represents 14 stations of the Cross with the three time Jesus
fell to the ground.
The WOD should be done Friday at three O clock for the
time Jesus passed on the Cross.
95lbs Barbell
10 Deadlifts
10 Squat cleans
10 Push Press
50 ft of Walking Lunges with barbell on back. Walk back to start
point. At no point does the barbell touch the ground until after rounds 3, 7
and 9.
After Round Three Seven and Nine, 7 Turkish Get Ups 1.5 Pood (53-55#)
(seven is the number of completion)
The WOD represents 14 stations of the Cross with the three time Jesus
fell to the ground.
The WOD should be done Friday at three O clock for the
time Jesus passed on the Cross.
A great job by everyone who took on the challenge of doing the Jesus WoD. i want to say that I was impressed most by my wife... It has been a difficult year physically for her with one injury after another, and because of the injuries she has been limited in her training. So to take on the Jesus WOD and complete it in the time she did (sub 60minutes), all I can say is watch out! well done babe, come Games 2010, it will be a treat to see her compete again at a high level.... yesterday was just a little glimpse to what you should expect to see in Aromas.
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