Frank Knight, of Yarmouth, Maine, 101 years old, who has been Herbie the tree's caretaker for over half a century, puts a caring hand on Herbie after it was cut down in Yarmouth, Maine, on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2010. Herbie is New England's largest and oldest elm tree. The tree succumbed to Dutch elm disease after surviving 14 previous bouts with the fungus. The massive tree is estimated to be 240 years old. Its exact age will be known after officials count the growth rings in the trunk.
(AP Photo/Pat Wellenbach)30 snatch L/ 30 snatch R w/ 24kg KB (house) Time: 4:30 a little rusty with the kettle bell
Strict Pull Ups 3 x max reps (3 min rest)16,12,11
Have been under the weather for the past 3 days, didn't have anything in the tank to do a wod after I warmed up. Listening to my Anthony Robbins cd's again, why did I stop in the first place! I'm a man on a mission is all I can say, and I have Anthony Robbins to thank for that. Amen!
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